Inspiration breeds motivation. Through creative experiential workshop sessions, with drama at our core, we will inspire your staff and students to be the best they can be, bringing you closer to achieving your goals for development.
With fifteen years’ experience as an Applied Theatre specialist, I know how to help you achieve success through creative learning. Whether in school or in the workplace, if you have a development goal in sight, I can help you reach that.
With your target in mind, I will devise a fully immersive creative programme designed to maximise engagement from all participants and make a lasting impression, ultimately resulting in change where it is needed most.
In Education and Community: Theatre by EG.
Maybe you are a teacher who wants a fresh perspective on an English text to help students get to grips with themes, characters and concepts.
Perhaps you have a tricky PSHCE topic to explore, or a Historical event that seems too big for your students to grasp. Sometimes you might even need to motivate and invigorate Drama students in their approach to practitioners, scripts or devising.
When it comes to students, there is no doubt that a new face and a break from the norm works wonders to boost motivation and productivity. Curriculum workshops, drop-down creative enrichment days and inset training for the staff; I specialise in all these, and more.
You have given me the confidence to pursue acting at university and as a career. Thank you!
If you have the opportunity to work with Emma, my advice is two words – ‘grab it!’
In the Workplace: Lead by EG.
Within the workplace, I can help the individual and the team as a whole, both benefiting immeasurably from my practical approach.
If you need support presenting a winning pitch, guidance on how to make a great first impression, a safe space to explore alternative leadership styles, or a fresh take on team-building, look no further.
Whatever your goal, my sessions are designed to help you set realistic targets, and give you the confidence and strategies to achieve them.