In the Workplace: Lead by EG.
Increase confidence within your workforce, and ensure that the first impression your company makes is a great one.

Engage, motivate and inspire with these fully immersive programmes.

Pave the way for better communication with customers and colleagues alike.

Enjoy yourselves while you train - who said work wasn't meant to be fun?

Creative corporate programmes are designed to address your company’s specific needs, so every package will be tailor made following a consultation with the client. Sample sessions include, but are in no way limited to: Team Building, Inclusive Leadership, Personal Impact Coaching, Conflict Resolution, Positivity and Presentation Skills.
Experiential training is the most effective way of engaging all participants. Using Drama based activities, exercises and principles, Inspire by EG. is the perfect vehicle to energise your team, motivating the individuals within it to strive for change. During a half-day, full-day or two-day session, we will build a rapport with each individual participant, drawing on their strengths and working to build confidence, enabling them to embrace the development opportunities on offer, long after we have left the building.
Every creative training programme is specially designed to address your company’s specific needs, meaning no two packages will be exactly the same. Sessions will be tailor made following detailed consultation with the client, in order to ensure that all delegates will get the most out of the training. Some of the most popular packages are outlined below. Remember, though, that there is no limit to what a programme designed by Inspire by EG. can address.
Team building
Are you putting a team together for an important project? Maybe you are restructuring and need to ensure cohesion across departments. Perhaps you are looking to change your corporate identity, and want everyone to be on the same page. You might simply want to re-invigorate an established and settled workforce.
In fact, there is no circumstance in which you wouldn’t embrace an opportunity to unite your team. Probably one of the most over-used phrases in the business world, Team Building is an essential exercise for any company. Yet, it is easy to imagine executives around the globe shuddering at the mere mention of those two words. Why? Unfortunately, Team Building conjures images of David Brent style awkwardness, as people are coerced into straying beyond their comfort zones.
However, that is not how Team Building works at Inspire by EG. We will begin with a consultation in which we establish the ethos within your workplace, also seeking to ascertain the demographic of the team, and what interests they might have. We will then discuss your company’s key strengths and areas for improvement where teamwork is concerned. This helps us paint a clear and full picture upon which to base our training plans. The session can be delivered over a half-day, a full-day or as a two-day intensive, depending upon your desired end point, and all the content will be shaped with you and your team in mind.
Using a creative approach, our dynamic facilitators will incorporate Dramatic techniques designed to bring about social change. Through Forum Theatre, Hotseating, Team Challenges and Role Play, participants will be encouraged to share and explore ideas in a low risk environment. Creativity promotes reflection of ourselves and of others, enabling clear insight into areas in need of change and experimenting with positive methods of communication and cooperation against a fictitious backdrop.
When the session is over, the skills which have been awakened will be at the forefront of participants’ minds, meaning you will notice vast improvements in the quality of communication, collaboration and cooperation in the weeks that follow, resulting in an all-round more harmonious and productive workplace.
Inclusive Leadership
Being a leader is about more than just issuing instructions. In fact, successful leadership requires as much time to be devoted to listening, as speaking. All too often, companies are missing out on crossing the threshold into greatness, simply because there is nobody to nurture or direct the people at the top. Without this essential care, and the guiding hand to offer space and time for self-reflection, the leaders are at risk of being left unaware of their own shortcomings, spending all their time focused outwards and highlighting others’ mistakes.
This can easily lead to misunderstandings and feelings of resentment, resulting in friction and potentially leading to the breakdown of a department.
The flipside of this can be equally disastrous: if your leaders lose sight of the strengths and skills they possess themselves, due to a bump in the road beyond their control, they will be in danger of sinking into a black hole of negativity. You can be sure that they will inadvertently bring down anyone in their wake as they fall.
It can take a while to identify when someone demonstrates the qualities of a perfect leader, but it takes no time at all, to recognise when those characteristics are lacking. Inspire by EG. will devise a training package aimed at those in leadership roles, with your company’s core values at its heart. Using Dramatic exercises and creative challenges, participants will explore the differences between active and passive listening. Through a series of engaging tasks, they will experiment with different methods of communication and leadership, to establish which are the most successful strategies for them. Looking at stereotypes and misconceptions, they will be encouraged to reflect upon whether or not their own judgement has the potential to cloud their ability to lead their team inclusively.
Leaders have a huge responsibility within their organisation, and we provide them with a safe arena in which to share their views on what this duty entails, offering a brief pause from being the ones with all the answers. This bespoke workshop, delivered as a half-day, full-day or two-day intensive, according to your overall aims, will help each participant take a step towards becoming the type of leader who, not only knows what needs to be done, but also inspires, motivates and encourages those around them to share the task.
Personal Impact Coaching
Whichever school of thought you follow in relation to the number of seconds it takes for a person to pass judgement on another – a tenth of a second, half a second, three seconds, seven seconds, or even 20 seconds – it is impossible to deny the importance of first impressions, or how rashly they are formed. In business, like in life, the impact made on first meeting can only be made once. The way we present ourselves in the workplace can heavily influence the way colleagues, managers and clients perceive and interact with us.
This can sometimes be the difference between securing deals, promotions, opportunities and challenges, and is often attributable to sub-conscious behaviours. It is crucial to get to grips with what your own Personal Impact really says about you, whilst acknowledging the way it reflects the organisation to which you belong. If you are a company with a large number of graduate trainees, Personal Impact Coaching is one of the most valuable introductory programmes they could undergo.
Professionals at any stage of their career must take every opportunity to evaluate their own Personal Impact, in order to ensure that they continue to present their best selves at all times. These sessions are best delivered to small delegate groups, ideally with a follow-up session six to eight weeks after the first, during which we review progress. As with any Inspire by EG. package, your company needs will be at the heart of all preparation and planning, so that the ethos and the aims of the business can help shape and frame the individual objectives we identify within the session.
During the coaching session, we will use Drama based exercises which will enable participants to reflect on and identify ways in which their own behaviours shape and impact upon the responses of those around them. Taking a fun and creative approach, participants will work on voice, body language, eye contact, posture and non-verbal communication, to improve one-to-one interaction, rapport building and presentation skills. All delegates will leave the session armed with strategies and goals and, above all, the confidence to put them into practise in the weeks that follow.
One to One Coaching
Some people respond better to an individualised approach to CPD, feeling more comfortable working at their own slow and steady pace, as opposed to taking part in an intensive, high energy session with their colleagues. One-to-one coaching is the most specifically tailored training offered at Inspire by EG. for, obvious reasons, but the overall aims of the company will still remain central to any programme we follow.
One-to-one coaching can focus more closely on any of the larger training areas, or indeed, any other areas in which someone lacks confidence, finesse or expertise. Most commonly, people contact us for help with presentation or interview skills, confidence in networking situations, or to address new demands of the additional responsibility they have been awarded or a change in role in a job they have known for years. We have devised special coaching programmes for people returning to work after a break for motherhood or illness, or those retraining in a new field.
There is no limit to what we can work on in these intensive one-to-one sessions. The number of meetings required would depend upon the end goal, as well as how far the individual needs to go before reaching their target.
Sessions would have the characteristic creative format of all Inspire by EG. training, but the delegate would take a lot more responsibility and ownership of the programme. A key aspect of our coaching, is that we work to enable clients to develop the confidence to create their own ongoing targets, finding strategies within the toolkit with which we empower them to meet these. Continuity is crucial, for the agreed duration, in order that we can effectively monitor all progress.
We use a wide range of techniques in one-to-one sessions, including Hotseating, Role Play, Creative Visualisation, Breath Control, Linguistic Play and Storytelling, and we pride ourselves on the relationships we build in the time we spend with each individual.

Emma was invaluable in providing me with the skills and confidence I needed for retraining after many years not working, bringing up a family. Through a variety of techniques, using improvisation and developing positive thinking strategies I learned to believe in myself and successfully deal with the challenges that lay ahead.
Family Mediator, Winston Solicitors LLP, Leeds.