In Education and Community: Theatre by EG.
Give students the confidence to find their voice and make themselves heard, learning to communicate productively.

Highlight strengths that youngsters aren't even aware they have, and nurture cooperation and leadership skills through fun, informative sessions.

Bring out the best in every participant by offering an alternative approach to their studies.

Train teaching and support staff to offer strategies for dealing with more challenging situations, making a lasting impact on the students in their care.

Creativity is something we can all access on our own personal level. Many people would deny having a creative bone in their body, but often their creativity is simply not the artistic kind.
Inspire by EG. has devised numerous ways of nurturing the creativity found in each and every individual, helping young people use it as a tool to aid personal development.
Education and Community services range from staff training and student workshops within schools and prisons – both curricular and enrichment focused, community productions, large-scale inter-school projects and individual or small group tuition for LAMDA and Arts Award.
There is no limit to what we can do, Drama being one of the most versatile tools for change at our disposal, and we are always happy to take on the challenge of building a package that sits outside the conventional mould.
Creative Enrichment
Youngsters have an immense amount of pressure to deal with these days, with the weight of formal assessments and examinations on them from a very young age. It is for this reason that enrichment sessions have become so much more important in conventional schools and PRUs.
As a special event for gifted and talented pupils, to reward pupils when they reach the end of exams or simply for variety between projects, an enrichment workshop can run for as little as a single lesson, to as much as a full day, meaning there is the potential for a single drop-down session to be offered to a whole year group in one day, using a carousel format.
Short enrichment sessions are designed to provide a break from the norm for the youngsters, and can be focused on the development of any creative skill, or the exploration of any creative theme or idea. Common favourites include Physical Storytelling, Creating Characters, Inspiration in Everything, Soap Opera and Silent Movies. For each of these themes, sessions contain a mix of Drama games, challenges and creative activities, all with non-performance options for those who would prefer.
A full-day enrichment workshop is the ideal way to end a hard and tiring term. The full-day favourite is the Play in a Day session. The youngsters will work with our dynamic facilitators, forming a Theatre company for just one day. You choose whether you want your students to work on an existing script, or to devise something of their own. They will explore a variety of techniques for play making, with opportunities for children to take charge of promotion, design and technical elements too. The day ends with a low-key performance to staff, family and friends, where the youngsters can take pride in their successes from the day.
In secure units, YOIs and prisons, enrichment sessions are run slightly differently. Association time offers little escape from the day for young and juvenile offenders, but provides the perfect window for creative activities. In this setting, the sessions would run on a regular basis either weekly or fortnightly, and the programme would be tailored to the needs of the group, or established by the institution. Our most notable prison project to date, was to workshop ideas and issues of importance, then devise, script, record and ‘broadcast’ a radio play through a year spending one morning a week with young and juvenile offenders.
There really is no end of possibilities for Creative Enrichment workshops. If you think you have a group that deserves one of these special packages planning, get in touch and we will be delighted to explore the options.
Curriculum Workshops
Drama is a fabulous subject in its own right, of course, but it is also a wonderful tool with which to explore a whole host of cross-curricular topics. With my experience in mainstream teaching, including running a Drama department in a top Yorkshire school for three years recently, I am up to date with all key curriculum demands.
Curriculum Workshops with Inspire by EG. can focus on practitioner exploration, set texts, tackling a script or devising theatre. Sessions can run for a single lesson, two hours, half-day or a full-day to fit in with your timetable. Experience has proven that students respond positively to input from someone who is not their teacher, offering a fresh perspective and alternative point of view. Bringing us in to lead a workshop on a particular stimulus, then using that workshop to kick-start a controlled assessment project, gives the launch of the assessment more gravitas than an ordinary lesson would offer.
Outside of Drama and Theatre Studies, the possibilities are endless for Curriculum Workshops. Exploring topics in PSHCE which require students to take a different approach in order to gain understanding, looking at set texts in English where spoken language and character are the focus of assessment or examining a particular Historical period where it is imperative that the students fully appreciate what life was like at any given time are all obvious choices for Inspire by EG. Curriculum Workshops. Inspire by EG. sessions hold special value for youngsters who perhaps struggle in the classroom, creating an alternative approach to discussion and a less threatening way to make contributions.
Curriculum Workshops offer boundless possibilities. All you need to do is pick your year group and select your topic, then get in touch; we will do the rest.
Teaching has the potential to be one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable. It can also turn out to be one of the most stressful. There are constantly changing goalposts, rapidly moving targets, variable criteria for success and the ever-present knowledge that an inspection could fall at any moment. It is hard to juggle and prioritise to make effective use of the limited time available, while still finding time to actually teach.
Inspire by EG. runs a diverse INSET programme, ranging from Key Note speeches about Positivity, Stress-Management and Challenging Negative Perceptions to interactive training sessions on issues needing to be addressed within departments, or in a school as a whole.
Using Drama-based activities and drawing on a wealth of first-hand experiences within the education system, each training session will be tailor made to suit an institution’s own ethos and staff demographic. If resistance is a recurring issue in the classroom, why not bring us in to offer a session geared towards enabling you, the staff, to find new and sustainable strategies to address this.
If you need a programme developing to inspire PSHCE tutors with some new approaches to their tricky topics, or for English staff looking for ways to include Drama into their syllabus, we can offer training to do just that. Coupled with an education pack, we will then leave you with all the necessary skills and resources to implement in the classroom. Most importantly, we will leave you with the confidence to sustain these new techniques.
Inspire by EG. INSET packages can be built around any area needing an injection of new life. Whether for whole school training focused on key issues or subject specific departmental training, we promise to approach this with energy and fun ensuring that INSET need not be a chore.
Drama tuition is one of the greatest ways for youngsters to gain confidence, develop communication skills, broaden horizons, improve reading and explore their own creative perspectives on the world around them. Small group and one-to-one tuition sessions are a fun and engaging way of helping your child gain these priceless transferrable skills, enabling them to develop insight and awareness and equipping them with the conviction needed to carry them through into their school and extra-curricular life.
LAMDA graded examinations in Performance and Communication are an excellent way for youngsters to learn self-motivation and discipline, while exploring the performance skills they love. Whether their strengths lie in Verse speaking, Musical Theatre, Acting or Debating, there is an examination subject for them.
Tuition sessions are specifically tailored to each individual within the class, with targets being set at regular intervals. Parents are included in the skills development of all children, with annual reports and frequent email updates.
If examinations are not your child’s desired goal, we can simply work on the acquisition of Dramatic techniques, and the exploration of creative approaches to a range of stimulus material. I am also a qualified Arts Award Adviser and I am happy to discuss the possibility of putting children through this assessment if it seems a suitable option.
Whatever the desired outcome, pupils are encouraged to play an active role in shaping their own Drama tuition, identifying areas for improvement and seeking out new challenges to pursue. Over the years, there have been showcasing opportunities through our tuition sessions as well as one-off film projects and community performances.
For youngsters lacking in confidence, or for those who are already as bold as brass, Theatre by EG. tuition will enable them to explore where their strengths and interests really lie, enhancing crucial cooperation skills in the process.

I would like to thank you Emma for all your hard work, energy, and enthusiasm you have shown my daughter and I feel that as a result of you and your classes, she has grown in confidence, which to me was a key aim.
Parent – student moving on from tuition Oct 2016